Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lesson from Nature: The Great Blue Heron

Original Art by Gina Welds Hulse
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The Great Blue Heron is a large and majestic bird. and has been the subject of choice for many artists. This bird has significance in the animal totem sense. As with all of the creatures of the Earth , the coloring of the Great Blue Herons` feathers is significant, as each color carries with it special attributes unique to that creature. Blue in nature is connection to the Sky and also represents Peace and Tranquility.
Although the Great Blue Heron is by nature a predominantly solitary bird, during mating season, Herons will gather in clusters to nest and raise young in what are called "colonies." It is quite remarkable to witness the peace and harmony that abounds in these colonies, and is a testimony to the ability of a highly independent creature to adapt to communal life. Nature teaches us such wonderful lessons, if we only listen. #101DaysOfCreativity #DailyMiniManifesto 

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