Monday, January 28, 2019

A new approach to Art Collecting— Monthly Limited Edition Art Works

It Only Takes A Spark by Gina Welds Hulse

“One day I’ll be able to afford your work!”

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard this phrase.  And every time I heard it I’d get this sinking feeling in my gut. In the end I had to ask myself…

If the people who love and support my work can’t afford it---what am I even doing?

So here's what I am doing about this?

Throughout 2019, I am going to run a little experiment.

Every month during 2019 I will create and release a new Limited Edition print from my studio.  Each print is ONLY available during that particular month.  After that,  the artwork is gone forever *POOF* and the next monthly print will be released in its place!
There‘s an old praise chorus from the 70‘s and 80's that I can remember singing as a teenager that went like this; It only takes a spark, to get a fire going; And soon all those around, can warm up in its glowing.

This month's print is aptly entitled "It Only Takes A Spark."

It is Custom-printed on a Baltic Birch wood panel with beveled edges, this piece will add a modern touch to any space. The light wood shows through the artwork showcasing it’s natural grain.

January is all about setting intentions for the upcoming year, and this will be a visual reminder that it only takes a spark to set our intentions in motion. Speaking a single word will set the wheels in motion for our intentions, dreams, visions to come to pass. It really is that powerful.

We all have ideas and plans that we would like to see become reality. But far too often, they just stay at the idea stage. “Someday I’m going to…lose ten pounds…write a book…improve the test results of my class, etc.” Before you can do anything, you must first have an intention. But then the real work begins-which is to turn that intention into reality.
Leaders of all kinds, including educators, confront endless challenges and opportunities as they chart the future of their organizations or classrooms. One of the most powerful tools we have is the power of intention because almost everything starts with intention. It is the framework for the creation of reality. Even before you have a plan, you must have an intention.
It is not always understood that when you send your intention out to the world, it creates energy towards making the idea into a reality. This is because you are enlisting the help of others and their powers to make something happen. It’s like the ripples a stone makes, skipping across the water. Each time the stone touches the pond, it creates a new set of concentric ripples. But in the case of an intention, the ripples do not dissipate and disappear. They grow and expand because the energy of thought and action are powerful.
Let this painting be a visual reminder for you! 
I know you will enjoy these Limited Edition Works of Art that are powerful enough to bring magick to any space they inhabit.
No two prints will ever be identical. Even though it’s an edition, every piece will be special and magical.
Limited-edition (Qty. of 30)
Image size for this month is 12" x 12"

This month's Limited Edition Art Work:   It Only Takes A Spark
is available until midnight EST January, 31, 2019

 It Only Takes A Spark

Thanks for  joining me on this crazy little adventure!
Much Love,


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