Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Halloween Tattoo Makeup | Glam Zombie | Week 1 | October 2018

For the month of October 2018, I will be doing various make-up effects using temporary tattoos.  This is week 1:  The Glam Zombie 

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Halloween Makeup | Cracked Porcelain Doll | Week 2 | October 2018

This week I created a Cracked Porcelain Doll look using temporary tattoos and make-up.  Check out the video below to see how I created it.

Let me know what you think.  
What are you going to be for Halloween?

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Dollar Tree Greeting Card Campaign | Affiliate Paid Promotion

Did you know that there are over 6500 Dollar Tree stores nationwide? 

On August 30th every Dollar Tree started to carry Expressions from Hallmark, $1 each and Heartline, a Hallmark Company, 2 for $1.  With hundreds of greeting cards to choose from, you can celebrate every moment with your friends and family without breaking the bank.

There will also be cards from Hallmark Mahogany, celebrating everything that is loved about Black Culture, Hallmark Vida which celebrates the Latino community and culture, Hallmark Tree of Life which brings together the Jewish community  as well as cards by Joyfully Yours which help family and friends express their faith in just the right way.

You can find more detail in the video.

You can find these cards and much more online.

I was compensated for this post.
This post contains Affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Chinese New Year Festival, in Largo, Florida, February 24th, 2018 | Year...

We had an amazing time at the recent Chinese New Year Festival in Largo, Florida.

You can see our experience here:

Thanks for watching!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Manifesting the best 2018 and every year to come

I am an Infinite Spiritual Being Having a Temporary Human Experience.

Last night I had the most amazing experience, as I performed a ritual to clear away negative things that I did not want to bring into the New Year, as well as call on or manifest things that I want this New Year to bring to me.

I've never been a huge fan of this type of thing because as I was growing up it was always looked upon as being evil in some way.  As I've gotten older, and things have been revealed to me I am now more aware of the Spiritual and energetic being that I am and we all are, and have become to accept it more, rather than shy away from it.

know manifesting works for other people, but I feel as though there is something missing to make it work for me.

Recently I have been watching an episode by Lisa Nichols, as well Stephanie Synclair, who have generously given several tips on manifesting.  Here are the tips that Lisa provided. 
Step 1: Get clear on what you want.
If you don’t know exactly what you want, you can’t actually take steps to make it happen. To manifest something, you must know what you desire.  
That means you must get very clear on the specifics, detailing the features as if your manifestation is tailor made for you.
To get started with this step, create a list of 20-25 things you want to manifest.  I actually wrote down about 10 things to start with that I wanted this year to bring me.  I also wrote down 7 things that I want to get rid of before the New Year began.  I was very specific.
Get specific about what you want and list the attributes in the positive (aka avoid using the word don’t).
Yesterday, I tried this with my youngest son.  I asked him what is one thing he wants for the new year for us.  He mentioned a car, then changed it to a truck.  I asked what kind of truck. He mentioned that it had to have four doors and a cover on the trunk.  I picked even more, and as he was getting frustrated with the constant questions, I mentioned that he had to be specific on exactly what he wanted.
He then said, "I want a truck with 4 doors, and a covered back so we can camp in it.  It has to be black and it has to be 2015 or newer.  It also has to be Nissan or Toyota because they last a long time."
I then told him that is what I believe it means.  We have to be specific about what we want.
As Lisa said,
“I want a car” might land you a 1965 El Camino without a working engine.
“I want a used SUV with less than 30,000 miles on it that’s priced under $15,000” streamlines your search quite a bit.
Side note: As you create your list, give yourself permission to want what you want today and be open to changing it tomorrow. Judgement of yourself doesn’t help you manifest anything. (This is the part that I believe is tricky for most people, myself included.)

Step 2: Ask the universe.
"Once you have your list, it’s time to amplify your signal to the universe by asking for what you want. When the universe is clear on what you want to manifest, then it can help you. If you don’t ask, it will still try to help you, but it guesses as to what you truly desire."

I used to believe that this was hocus-pocus or not Christian and that I was being anti-Christ by believing in this sort of thing. God created us as energy beings.  The body is full of energy.  The universe is full of energy. 
Don’t leave what you receive up to chance, ask for what you want.
There are a lots of ways to ask including prayer, meditation, visualization, and vision boards. An easy way to ask for what you want is to write a letter to the universe.
Ask the universe for what you want once a day makes your requests clearer and clearer.

Here is the video that will help you bring success in the New Year with Air and Fire Magic.

Step 3: Work toward your goals.
"Manifesting is the art of co-creating with the universe. Working toward your goals increases your chances of receiving what you want. It’s also fun.
Write down 3 actions you can do today to bring you closer to your goal. If you don’t know what to do, use Google to figure out what actions you can take. It’s likely someone has struggled with the same issue and has written about it. Let yourself be inspired by what others have done."
Start taking action and keep taking action until you’ve reached your goal.
Step 4: Trust the process.
"As you work toward your goal, it may question if manifesting actually works. You might get discouraged and frustrated. (So me, sometimes.) If you are sitting in the struggle and wondering when things are going to happen you aren’t trusting the process. When you question manifestation, you’re telling the universe to prove manifesting doesn’t work." 
The Law of Attraction obliges by sending you experiences that keep you stuck. to write the word DONE when we were finished with the cleansing as well as the receiving part of the ritual.  Writing DONE indicates that we will trust the process to come true and work for us.   We don't have to burn the list.  We don't have to bury the list.  If you so desire then you can, but I chose to keep the list, and placed it under some crystals in my wealth corner.  I will write about that in a later episode.

Last night when I was working in the group with Stephanie, we were encouraged:
To manifest, you have to trust the process.
Whenever you find yourself doubting, catch yourself and say, “I’m getting closer and closer to my goals every day. The universe has my back and it’s awesome.”
Repeat this phrase until you believe it.
I see my wish as already completed. I see my wish and desires as already coming to fruition.  I see my wish and desires coming true.

I am patient and banish doubt.

The next step is important to acknowledge.

Step 5: Receive and acknowledge what you get.
"The universe is always giving you help, but it’s easy to miss the signs (especially when they come in unexpected ways). When you start to acknowledge and receive signs from the universe, the universe will give you more of what you want," says Lisa
A good way to get started with this step is to write down the evidence in a journal at the end of the day.
Make sure to include anything that happened to you during the day that moved you a little bit closer to your goal.
• If you are trying to get out of debt and your credit card company called to sort out a more appropriate payment plan, that’s evidence.
• It can also be an inspirational quote speaking to you on Facebook.
Lisa and Stephanie both agree with this step:

Step 6: Keep Your Vibration High.
According to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are sending out. To attract more of what you want, you have to raise your vibration. Vibrations are like little radio signals you are continuously sending out to the universe. You must tune your signal to a vibration worthy of receiving it (read: stay positive and thankful).
All you have to do is to feel joy.
By spending 10-15 minutes a day (at least) doing something that makes you feel good, anything from watching a YouTube video or meditating, you’re ensuring your vibration stays high.
Remember, a crappy mood means you’re going to be rewarded with crap. Staying positive is the easiest way to be certain good things are coming.

Step 7: Clear your resistance.
If you haven’t yet manifested what you want, it’s likely you are resisting what the universe has to offer. Doubts, pain, procrastination, frustrations, anxiety, fears, regrets and resentments are all forms of resistance.
And they are totally normal.
When you notice conflict coming up, acknowledge it and remind yourself to breath and relax. It might sound something like, “I’m frustrated again. I’m resisting again. I get it. All I have to do now is breath, relax, and let it come. “
If you are having a hard time letting go of problem, find someone to help you through it.
Manifesting your desires is 100 percent possible but, to do so, you must use ALL the steps.

I am going to be posting updates on this, so be sure to come back to see what I have manifested this coming year.

2018 will be my best year ever.  How about you?